Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Obama Points!

They say President Obama has the lowest poll numbers of his presidency? I say what would raise them? Certainly doesnt seem to be successes!!!

Another day , another heckler for the President, my question is when is the last public event that has been held by Speaker Boehner or his ilk?

Youd think that with such things as TIMELINE being primary in public conciousness, people wold actually use one when addressing such things as whos responsible for what in America!!!

So the Supreme Court is ONCE again, looking at a aspect of the AAC(Affordable Care Act) Doesnt the highest court in the land have more important things to do?

And lastly now that the flibuster has been essentially eliminated as a tactic to be used against the president, what will the republican party to to continue the POLITICAL debate in america?

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